How does RGB & CMYK affect my prints?
Two prominent color models used in graphics and prints are RGB and CMYK. Each model serves specific purposes, and understanding their differences is essential for achieving accurate and vibrant visuals. The choice between RGB and CMYK depends on the context in which the colors will be used. CMYK is specifically designed for print applications. RGB excels in the digital world, offering a broad spectrum of vivid colors for electronic displays.
Digital Displays
For visuals intended solely for digital screens, such as websites, apps, and digital art, RGB is the preferred choice due to its vibrant and wide color range. Red, Green, and Blue form the foundation of the RGB color model and colors are created by mixing varying intensities of these three primary colors.
RGB colors often have a broader color range than what can be reproduced in print using the CMYK model. This can lead to color variations when printed.
How it looks on your screen.

Printed Products
When preparing materials for print, using CMYK is crucial to ensure accurate color reproduction on paper. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black) constitute the CMYK color model. When printing, CMYK reduces the brightness, or reflected light, from a white background. It subtracts the amount of white showing through by working in levels of cyan, magenta, yellow, and key to achieve the desired color.
CMYK has a more limited color gamut compared to RGB, which can result in certain colors being challenging to reproduce accurately in print.
How it looks when printed.